Tag Archives: skinny bitch

Should You Become A Vegetarian?

I have to admit – I have been asking myself this question all day.

After last night’s reading of Skinny Bitch, without even finishing the book I feel as if my taste for meat, or “flesh” as Rory and Kim so eloquently put it, has changed. My Lean Cuisine tasted like crap! Not to say that pre-packaged and flash frozen dinners are not supposed to taste like crap, but this was different. The chicken felt rubbery – like it wasn’t supposed to be in my mouth. Like chicken, my favorite of all meats, was not meant to be ingested. It’s all Skinny Bitch‘s fault.

The Case against Meat

Rory and Kim claim that we are not supposed to eat meat. Since I am of a Mediterranean background, I do not think that this can be true. I might also add that my Nonna and Sitto would not like knowing that their kibe, grape leaves, and tripa are not appreciated. Or, for that matter, are not even supposed to be in their beloved granddaughter’s stomach. In three chapters, Rory and Kim break my grandparent’s hearts (not literally): “The Dead, Rotting, Decomposing Flesh Diet.” “The Dairy Disaster.” And last but not least, “You Are What You Eat.”

So what could possibly make me re-think my perfectly happy, carnivorous self? Read and ponder. These are only SOME of their arguments concerning the evolution and design of human beings. I refuse to go into the details of the animal farms. You’ll have to buy the book yourself to get that little joy (…not).

“Imagine yourself trying to run after an animal, catch it, and kill it using your bare hands, fingernails, teeth, and jaws. Not only would you look ridiculous, but you’d probably get your ass kicked, too. And even if you were successful, envision yourself eating the kill without the aid of an oven and silverware” (43).

“Our alkaline saliva is not meant to break down animal flesh; carnivores have acid saliva, perfectly designed for the task” (43).

“And hydrochloric acid, essential for digesting carcass, is secreted in very small amounts in our stomachs. However, the stomachs of carnivores have ten times more hydrochloric acid than ours” (43).

Rory and Kim come to the conclusion that “Genetically and structurally, we are designed to thrive on plant foods” (44).

Thus far, this seemingly shallow book has taught me some radical facts about the food industry in America and the way food interacts with our bodies. So if you want to be a Skinny Bitch or you’re wondering about the benefits of being vegetarian, this book advocates exactly that!

Skinny Bitchin’ in a Flat World

So I finally ordered my Skinny Bitch copy and it arrived today! I literally read 100 pages of it before I forced myself to put it down. (Hello, 6:30am wake-up call…) I’ve got some great suggestions and ideas from it, though.

More about health, diets, and vegetarianism to come for sure.

I also read 50 pages in The World is Flat. Crazy book – very enlightening. I’m waiting for an actual plot of some sort to start. It hasn’t really allowed me to fully appreciate the book yet.

Quote of the day:

“Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted.”

-Albert Einstein